Wee Monkeys english daycare
English for Little Ones
Os presentamos nuestro proyecto educativo para los más pequeños con mucha ilusión y mimo. Queremos que los niños desde bien pequeños comiencen su contacto con el inglés de la mano de Wee Monkeys.
Lauren será la encargada de hacer la experiencia enriquecedora y estimulante para los pequeños desde los 18 meses de edad en grupos de máximo 4 niños. Los padres pueden acompañar a los niños durante las primeras clases si lo desean. Estaremos encantadas de ampliaros la información.
This project intends to explain teaching focused on a particular target: Very Young Leaners. It focuses on teaching English through play and theatre for children as young as 18 months old. The objective of this programme is to offer a learning skill based on speech and improvastion focused on Jolly Phonics for the guidence on scholar engagement and early academic life.
Hi everyone! My name is Lauren and I am from Ireland. I have a degree in Drama with Theology and
a Diploma in Infant Child's Psychology. I have been working with young children for over 15 years
and absolutely love to watch them grow from such a young age. I find it so rewarding to be part of their
young life of learning and hope to make it as memorable and fun as possible! With my background in
theatre I believe it's very important to allow kids to have fun whilst learning and to grow confidence
within themselves. Wee Monkeys will enable them to do that so let the new adventure begin! 😄
The Wee Monkeys Mission
We believe that children thrive in an environment that values their individuality, while providing them with support and opportunities to grow emotionally, socially, and creatively. Therefore, our main learning area is based on Drama. By developing each child's strengths, interests and curiosity, we guide them to explore the world around them, as well as develop new skills and form close relationships while improving their English.